Thursday, October 3, 2013

OUTFIT | Surviver

Hi folks, I know I have been off a bit from the blog. However, I have a good excuse. I moved out of my appartment this week. And let me tell you, it was a hell. I had so much stuff I did not know where to begin. Luckily my mom and dear friend Jerry Lee rescued me and helped me out. To start off with my closet.. Wow, I did not know I still had that much choice of clothing. I ran into several items I totally forgot I had them. Or even worse, I saw pieces where the labels were still attached. Aiii. However, I figured out that I do not wear half of my wardrobe anymore. So there might be a garage sale coming soon. That would be a great idea, because the movers dropped my closet and it fell down the stairs. So there is not much space left ;-).

Kenzo Sweatshirt / Zara Faux Leather Shorts & Heels / Jérôme Dréyfuss Leopard Bag / Anderne Sunnies (more here)

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